Our all volunteer team has over 30 years of camp experience. We hand select volunteers who are fun, energetic, organized, have good communication skills and most importantly have large hearts for our campers. Volunteers attend a half day of training prior to opening camp. We are NOT highly trained, and we do not accept campers who have challenging / aggressive behaviors or are not independent in toileting.
Camp counselors are high school and college aged students who are receive additional training each evening.
Most of our adult staff members have been with us for more than 10 years. Many began as camp counselors, went to college for a related field, and came back to serve as staff. Our Volunteers love camp just as much as our campers. Staff lead our activities, supeprvise / guide our activity groups, and reside / assist within the dorms, . Our RN nurses dispense all medications and treatments. On our name tags you’ll see we proudly display the number of years we’ve volunteered at Special Camps.