Giving Tuesday
Every year on THANKSGIVING, families and friends join together to give thanks, following, we all enjoy two for getting deals, but Tuesday after is #Giving Tuesday and has become a global day dedicated to giving back!
This year, on Tuesday, November 27th, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.
In honor of Special Camps 25th Anniversary, Special Camps will for the first time ever, participate in #Giving Tuesday. Our goal is to set up an endowment fund for the many campers with intellectual disabilities and autism that find themselves in financial need.
[row] [column md=”6″] The total cost to sponsor a single camper and volunteer for an entire week is $600. We charge $350.00 per camper, Volunteers attend for free, and the camp offers scholarships to those in need. Please help us keep Special Camps affordable for everyone wishing to attend.Please help us by giving generously, sharing with your friends, family and employers. Let them know about “Special Camps…. your Favorite Place”.
• Tuesday, November 27, 2018
• 12:00 AM 11:59 PM
Donations accepted online at SPECIALCAMPS.ORG or checks written to:
Special Camps
26W684 Lindsey Avenue
Winfield, IL 60190
Special Camps is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, tax exempt charitable charity. n a non-profit camp for those with intellectual disabilities.
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We had a dream 25 years ago! To bring week long camping opportunities to as many campers with intellectual disabilities as possible. To watch our campers to make friends with peers, build self-esteem and independence while having fun. Special Camps is so much more than we first envisioned!
Our campers with intellectual disabilities and autism have become our inspiration! Through our camper’s eyes, we see their generosity, patience and outward displays of love. Our campers have given thousands of teen and adult volunteers life-changing opportunities. Each volunteer takes something unique out of their experience living side by side with these amazing campers, I’m proud to call my 2nd family. Counselors have stated they are no longer shy, they’ve increased generosity towards others, compassion, patience, self-esteem, look past the outside package, and into each other’s souls. Volunteers call this a “life changing opportunity”. They can’t wait to return back to all of the Special Camps love, friendship and fun.
Special Camps means a lot to my father Reed Callahan and I who started Special Camps, (as every member of our extended family has cherished participating in camp over the years), as camp counselors, leading crafts, archery, woodworking, sports, music classes, director of camp counselors, cooking, night security, fundraising… I couldn’t be more proud as my next generation of nieces and nephews are now beginning to serve as camp counselors, while my parents continue to lead crafts, archery and woodworking. We’ve made amazing friendships with the volunteers who come to serve camp, and had more fun and great memories too. We wish everyone had the opportunity to learn from these amazing campers, we come to serve.
Thank you for giving generously to our campers with intellectual disabilities and autism.
Much Special Camps love to our most loving Special Camps families,
Miss Colleen
Colleen McDonald
Special Camps Co-Founder + Camp Director
(630) 690-0944