kakemaster changed their profile picture 5 years, 12 months ago
kakemaster started the topic Home Sickness in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
Six tips to help parents limit their child’s potential for homesickness
Learn About Camp
Weeks before hand, start talking about camp, explore the camp’s website, and share any fun details you know about the camp.Prior Experiences
Explain how long they will be at camp by comparing it to another experience they have had before: “Remember that…[Read more] -
kakemaster started the topic Who dispenses medication and treatments? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
We have 3 Registered Nurses on duty, 24 hours a day. They are there to serve both our campers and volunteers. All medications are distributed by our RN nurses. No medication are to be kept in the dorms, unless for emergency use such as inhallers. Medications are distributed mainly at meal times and before bed. Most of our nurses have experience…[Read more]
kakemaster started the topic Why does Special Camps have 2 different addresses? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
Special Camps office is run out of our camp directors home in Winfield. The address is, 26W684 Lindsey Avenue, Winfield, IL 60190. We will host our camp at Camp Red Leaf in Ingleside, IL.
kakemaster started the topic When are check-in and check-out times? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
Check in times are assigned, so that we don’t have everyone dropping off their children at the same time. Your check in time will be approximately 1-4pm. It will take 2 hours to check in. Check in time includes time for your camp counselor to meet with you, so that you can give any extra tips to them at that time. You’ll also meet with our nur…[Read more]
kakemaster started the topic My child is on a special diet. What should I do? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
Camp Red Leaf provides most of our meals for camp. They are able to accommodate most dietary needs. Please notify us of all allergies and other food needs with the application, so we can notify the ranch ahead of time. We do offer breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and evening snacks. Bringing snacks to camp are allowed but unnecesssary unless your…[Read more]
kakemaster started the topic How old are the camp counselors? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
Camp counselors are high school and college age. More than half return from previous years, because they love camp as much as our campers do. We only select the very best camp counselors from previous years, to re-apply for Special Camps. If you know of a teen that has enthusiasm, compassion, and great social skills, encourage them to apply for…[Read more]
kakemaster started the topic How do you conduct background checks? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
Two adult, non-relative references are checked. Teens are encouraged to list someone from their school as a reference as well as someone from the community. All references are checked, those that best meet our needs are then chosen. All adults over the age of 18 also receive a police background check. We always travel in groups, as our policy is…[Read more]
kakemaster started the topic Are Volunteers trained? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
Our all volunteer team has over 30 years of camp experience. We hand select volunteers who are fun, energetic, organized, have good communication skills and most importantly have large hearts for our campers. Volunteers attend a half day of training prior to opening camp. We are NOT highly trained, and we do not accept campers who have…[Read more]
kakemaster started the topic Can I call to check on my child while she’s at camp? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
Yes! We encourage you to exchange cell numbers with your child’s camp counselor when you meet them. They can then briefly let you know how they are doing and hopefully send you a few cute photos during the week. They are however not allowed to use their phones except during their break time, so the call would be brief.
Sorry, we’re having so m…[Read more]
kakemaster started the topic Can I have the same counselor I had last year? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
Please mark the application with the name of a favorite camp counselor. We will do our best to make that happen, but can not make any guarantees. Sometimes teens are unavailable the following summer or may be needed with someone else.
kakemaster started the topic I’m a picky eater. Can I pack snacks? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
Most families do not pack snacks. We provide breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and an evening snack each day. If your child is an extremely picky eater, we can store their snacks and give them to your child during our designated snack times.
kakemaster started the topic Will I be placed with other campers about the same age? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
Yes, you will.
kakemaster started the topic How much spending money should I bring? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
There is nothing to purchase at Special Camps. Everything is included. Please do not send money with your child.
kakemaster started the topic Can I share the same camp counselor as my best friend? in the forum CAMP FAQ 6 years, 11 months ago
In most cases yes. If both friends place their name as wanting to share the same camp counselor on their application, then we’ll do our best to place them together. Sometimes people place 5-6 names together, and we try to also place these campers within the same dorm area. We do not have you sharing the same camp counselor if one friend is f…[Read more]